Adding more all the time
Setmixer is compatible with a large proportion of Digital mixing desks, but that list is getting longer all the time.
Get in touch if you are not sure and we can check out your desk and let you know if we are compatible. If we are not, then we can add yours to our queue and get back in touch as soon as we are compatible.
Compatible tech
Almost every digital desk that has a USB-B port on the back is compatible with Setmixer.
The exceptions are a few analogue desks with USB interfaces but only allow 2 channels of recording.
MADI can be found on some desks and is capable of up to 64 channel recording.
* Setmixer is compatible but requires a separate interface to connect to MADI.
Setmixer is conpatible with Dante and so can be installed anywhere there is access to a Dante network. If no network is set up but the desk has a Dante interface, then we can connect direct to the desk.
AES-50 is capable of delivering multichannel recordings and is still implemented on many mixing desks.
* Setmixer is compatible but requires a separate interface.